Stories from Tahrir

Ten Months after the revolution in Egypt brought down the 30-year regime of President Hosni Mubarak, Director Khaled Sayed returned to Tahrir Square in Cairo, where the revolution started. He came follow up with many of the revolutionaries, leaders, and ordinaly Egyptian citizens he interviewed in his award- winning documentary “Egypt: the Story Behind the Revolution,” along with strong new voices joining the debate about the future of Egypt

In “Stories from Tahrir” we will introduce you to dozens of real people on all sides of the issues that face Egypt today, from street activists to political candidates, struggling to help Egypt define democracy on its own terms. For example:

“Dr. Mohamed, a Tahrir square doctor, volunteered his time during the 25 of January revolution and the Mohamed Mahmoud clashes. He treated many patients with eyes lost, tear gas asphyxiation, and gunshot wounds. He told me that the death toll due to the tear gas reached a much higher number than in the 18-day stand-off in January and February.”

“Long-time activist Shimaa, who has been fighting the Mubarak regime since the revolution started, was telling me that she thought they got rid of the head of the regime, but the fight is still going on to remove the old regime that was installed by Mubarak.”

“Another activist, Amal, told me she was very disappointed by the political games, and unhappy with the Muslim Brotherhood. She said they were pushing for the 2011 parliamentary election just to prove that they can win an election. They ignored the fact that the military regime is not likely to let go of any power they gained after Mubarak left.”

Hear from supporters of the revolution wounded during protests, frustrated “Sofa Party” members who now miss the stability of the Mubarak regime, religious campaigners who want their faith to have a stronger voice in the future of Egypt, and many more people from all walks of life caught in the struggle as the fallout from the revolution continues.

The voices of the people of Egypt deserve to be heard. In “Stories From Tahrir” Sayed shares with you the frustrations and aspirations of activists, candidates, and the victims of decades of repression as they grapple with the frustrations and realities of a hard-won freedom.

PROMO-Stories from Tahrir from Khaled Sayed on Vimeo.


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